Phyllis and the Aliens

Phyllis and the Aliens (Renatta and Rosalie Pettibone) are all kittens adopted from the Humane Society of Pierce County via the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee. Phyllis was born on October 27, 2007, while the Aliens were born on May 16, 2008.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New blog official

Ok gang!  For those of you with bookmarks to this page, time for an update!

Phyllis and the Aliens are now playing in the

Hope you enjoy our new home

Friday, September 11, 2009

Phyllis and the Aliens are moving!

Ok, not REALLY moving.  But their blog will be moving to very soon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A taste of the WILD side... or is that just tap water? YUMMY!


RoverLee & Phyllis "Shozing each Udder"

This is a sweet little video I just shot of Phyllis and Rosalie grooming like they LOVE to do! Phyllis doing all the work of course!


Someone else is a Bear Lover too!

Ms. Renatta has decided Phyllis can no longer hog the bear all to herself!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ms. Phyllis found a cuddly friend for the sock basket!

Her favorite brown bear!!! Yeah Phyllis!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Baby Whiskers Napping on a Sunday Morning

Matt put a white slip cover on the "kitty couch" in their bedroom and they just LOVE their "new" couch!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ms. Phyllis in her sock basket... without Socls!!!!

She's such a doll. Anything that changes she wants a part of... even if it's an empty basket of socks.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Phyllis has lazy days too...


Beat the Heat...

I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but the Seattle area has had record breaking heat over the past week or so and it has been MISERABLE! Last Monday: 92, Tuesday: 95, Wednesday: 105, Thursday: 94, Friday: 89. Expecting a break today of ONLY 87!

Last Sunday Matt surprised me and told me we were going to Sears and buying an Air Conditioner... for the kitties! I was SO excited knowing very well that when the kitties got something like A/C I would be able to also benefit! :)

Well, they really weren't very impressed by A/C. As a matter of fact, it made too much noise and they preferred to stay in the kitchen where it was still 95 as opposed to coming into the living room where it was merely 83! After the first couple days they did discover the trade-off between noise and comfort and did finally move into the much more agreeable living room temps.

Now, the A/C unit is affectionately referred to as MBB (Marvin's Big Brother, as you might recall, Marvin is the automatic poop box we bought that terrified them also).


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Guest kitty from Maine!

Matt and I are on vacation in Maine ("Downeast Maine" in Machiasport) visiting my family. Well, Mom & Dad's kitty, "Scooter" is such a loverboy!!! He lets me hold him and love on him, but he doesn't ever let anyone else ever hold him! He's such a doll!

We accidentally locked him in my bedroom yesterday and when I went in he was trapped behind the blinds of the window and was just there tapping on the blinds trying to get his attention.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Cat Encryption

Matt took these of Phillis atop our wireless router.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Introducing... our new puppy!

Well, we've been putting off the inevitable... getting a puppy! Y'all might be surprised that we named the new puppy a similar name to one of our kitties. Our new puppy's name: Roverlee!

Wanna see a picture? Here she is!

Ok, so you might be a little confused. Ms. Roverlee has gone through a species change. We're pretty sure she's mostly puppy! She sort of makes puppy whining, barking type noises and eats until she can't stand... just like a real puppy!

We've always understood that Roverlee was different, but we really love here. We're very accepting of diversity in our household!

Welcome Roverlee!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meet "Marvin the Martian"...

I decided to surprise Matt with a gift to alleviate his anxiety of going on vacation to Maine and leaving the Kitties at home with "standard" litter boxes.

So, I bought him (and the girls) the "Litter-Robot".

We were VERY nervous after setting it up because the girls REFUSED to go near it! It was like... well... like a MARTIAN had come into the house! Granted, it does look like something out of a science fiction movie!

For three days we let it sit in the "kitty room" (yes, they have their own room, with their own couch, toys, and all the fixins) with no litter. We were sure this would allow them to explore it and sniff around and get used to it. So, on day 4 Matt put the litter in and plugged the Litter-Robot in. They didn't touch it all day long. Instead, at midnight I heard, in my sleep, a faint "beep" and then a minute or so later, the very whisper of the Litter-Robot's motor turning it's first "official" cycle of joy.

Well, it was less than a cycle of joy for the girls! Within seconds of the "very whisper" turned into scrambling for lives! Crashing! Banging! Fur was flying! Apparently, the Litter-Robot's subtle sounds were WAY too much for the kitties!

I should have known better. I should have known NOT to plug it in until they were used to actually using it. My bad. So now we are trying to reaclaimate the poor kitties to their new enemy, "Marvin the Martian" as he has become known thanks to Matt's creative wit.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

The little ones celebrate a YEAR!

Addiction aside (read previous post for details), these little ones turned a year old recently! They haven't been in our home for a year yet, but that's coming up soon!

Let's take a look at some of their photo history! FUN!

How time flies!

Thank you all for sharing the past months with us. We LOVE our kitty family and so grateful to share it with you!